Tag: irods
Retrospective on the S3 Bridge for iRODS
I am rapidly approaching the end of my time working on the s3 bridge, and I sit here with a pile of problems and a number of successes. On one hand, I have a reasonably performant project with a relatively low overhead, that happens to work fairly well on the limited operations that it set…
daily report(7/12)
I have spent today cleaning up comments from previous commits. I have come to the conclusion that the hooks exist for the sake of the plugins who actually maintain their own state, so the configuration_hook stuff will have to go into the irods core library rather than the executable code. That way I can put…
Daily report(7/1)
Today was successful. I was able to get the control plane to stop crashing and get the configuration tests to run to completion properly. The benchmark is written and reloading the configuration is so much faster than killing the irods server and starting it again. Of course, that means it has limitations. Currently it is…
Daily Report(6/27)
Today has been spent addressing comments made on the pull request. Address that the field visibility of acquire_*_lock functions implied that it was meant to be derived Replace rodslog calls in get_server_property with the modern logging system Restore some whitespace In addition, I updated the rodsLog calls in rodsServer and irods_server_properties. I still need to…
Daily Report(6/22)
I am starting today by running more of the test suites to see if the changes have broken anything unrelated. So far so good, except for finding that the build+test script was running the specific test “0”(uninitialized variable). Resource testing seems to fail on the same spots as before erratically. I’m going to assume that…
Daily report(6/20)
Currently the issue I am facing is the rule language. Given that this was a sticking point last year, I can’t say that I’m surprised. Currently I can’t see what the msi_get_server_property is actually returning, and given that they running in the irods agent server it may need additional logic there. I am having trouble…
Weekly journal(6/13-6/18)
This week was spent working on writing the configuration_hook_manager’s code. I have started working on writing tests. The primary issues that I have run into have included moving between machines and the performance issue with my desktop’s harddrive substantially slowing the work that I am doing. msiModAVUMetadata is a complicated little micro-service that I’m not…
Daily report(6/16/2022)
Work continues slowly on the configuration_hook_manager. I moved my installation over to an ssd, so now development is happening faster. At some point I should look into running an lsp server from inside the irods builder, I might actually be able to get good completion and navigation. I have moved the configuration update logic so…
iRODS daily report(6/15/2022)
I have continued to work on configuration_hook_manager. It is slowly coalescing into something that can truthfully said to compile. There are a few issues that I have to figure out, such as how to handle nested properties, and whether or not dispatching every event to every hook makes sense from a performance point of view(okay,…
iRODS progress report 6/3/2022
What’s been done Development environment copied to laptop and working. Using shared_mutex to synchronize access to the server_properties object [x] Server compiles [x] Server tests run successfully without adding regular calls to server_properties::capture [ ] Server tests run successfully with calls to capture. [ ] Integrate calls to capture back into the cron system Problems…