• SB-SIMD, Early and Promising

    Common lisp is a dream. Not always a great dream(such as when using strings), but it’s sufficient and SBCL is a remarkably interesting compiler. One that tells you how you might let it make the code faster, such as adding type hints, etc. More recently, I’ve had the opportunity to work with sb-simd, a library…

  • Optimizing Pointless things

    So, we’ve been playing rimworld a lot recently. One of the mods we use is called Rim Factory, which is quite nice overall for building automated bases(yes this breaks the game’s economy, what of it?). One of the mechanics it adds is a buildable object called a sprinkler, which, instead of watering your plants(this isn’t…

  • Small Update

    Once again we find ourselves working in python. This is part of a cycle of programming preferences that we have noticed that we go through. Sometimes we want something low-level like C, sometimes we want something easy like Python, other times we want something a bit different, like Forth, Haskell, Ocaml or Lisp. We don’t…

  • Retrocausal

    Contains: HRT (To the point of wish-granting), retrocausal nonsense January 20th, 2021, Iteration 1 (Appointment 1) “Alright Miss… Connors, I understand that you have been informed about the potential side effects, social effects, and potential medical problems you might experience if you go through with this course of treatment?” A doctor that she hadn’t yet…

  • Trying Out Zig

    So, we have heard good things about Zig. These boil down to the following things: Good speed Fast compilation Decent type system Simple Syntax So far, a lot of these things seem to be born out by the experience we’ve had, though, we have some criticism that is probably more along the lines of our…

  • Technical Interview

    This is a different tack than we are used to, so excuse our ineptitude when it comes to the “difficult” art of writing tech related non-fiction. We have been getting interviewed for a position in a startup lately, and we actually enjoyed doing a technical interview. This was a surprise to us since in the…

  • Responsibility

    Contains: Intra-system flirting, slightly lewd, but not quite smut, science fiction The machine expands downwards, digging through a tiny tube, through the foundation into the ground beneath, expanding outwards as the roots of a tree do, ever seeking the elements that it requires. The difference from this and an oak is that the roots aren’t…

  • Reprogrammable Machines

    Contains: Plural system getting split, some minor domination A few days passed between our time at the station where we were changed irrevocably, and then two since we came crashing down into the yard behind the appartments, the parachutes catching on the trees and pulling down a few branches in its descent. The fifty kilograms…

  • Machine Kingdom

    Everything is fuzzy. The world refuses to focus properly, what little we glean from what we see at first is nothing like the room we fell asleep in. It is white, and fairly bright. It wasn’t even a little bit off white like the room we had slept in. We force ourselves to blink. Slowly…

  • Welcome Back

    It has been a long time since we had a blog at this domain. Honestly that’s on us. We’re really glad that we’re back, and that wordpress is, in fact, remarkably easy to setup 🙂