The Problematic Chemistry of Reagent Albany

Reagent Albany has been cost effective and potent, however several effects were not anticipated given that it was never meant to be added in excess in the EPE-Albany synthesis process.

The first is that it actually has immense effects on human physiology. Reagent Albany directly inhibits the transformation of androstenedione0.0 and androstenediol0.1 into testosterone and enhances the activity of aromatase in the human body. This tilts the GRNH axis substantially towards feminine expression. In addition, Reagent Albany more or less completely shuts down conversion of testosterone into DHT.

While it would be fully converted to EPE-Albany in the conditions we use in synthesizing EPE-Albany, we have found that on average, each molecule of reagent Albany catalyzes the formation of between 8 and 12 estradiol molecules in conditions are represented in the human body. This produces a high level of estradiol that is sufficient to become feminizing with just 50-150 milligrams of Reagent Albany and acts over several months.

After this it cleaves the newly formed Estradiol into EPE-Albany, enhancing its own effects substantially. The sole comfort that this offers is that it diminishes the dysphoria its own effect would otherwise cause.

Reagent Albany is readily absorbed through skin, the digestive tract, and mucus membranes. It does not meaningfully interact with the liver’s metabolism and is not easily removed by nephrotic processes.

We must be careful with disposing of this chemical as it may have substantial effects on human society if it contaminates food or water.

0.0 An intermediate in process of turning cholesterol into testosterone or estradiol. Not very estrogenic or androgenic.
0.1: An intermediate sex hormone. Powerfully estrogenic(compared to the other one)

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2 responses to “EPE”

  1. Sierra Avatar


    “Where did you get boobs that big?

    “Uhh… Upstate New York”

    “Well I’m from Utica and I’ve never seen anyone with boobs as big as those”

    “It’s an Albany expression”

    “I see…”

  2. Unit vy-let Avatar

    @violet ooh that’s a good read ~ :latex_heart: